Welcome to Gateshead Health
Based in the North East of England, we provide a range of hospital and community services from our leading facilities. Our primary focus is on providing excellent health services to our local community.
More about Gateshead Health
Our services
We are committed to delivering the highest quality services and improving healthcare. We have a range of services available that are delivered in hospital, in the community and also in your own home.

Current vacancies
Our staff tell us this is a great place to work. Find out about the current vacancies we have and take the next step in your career.

Environment and sustainability
The climate crisis is one of the biggest health challenges we face. Failing to reduce our impact on the planet will have serious implications for both physical and mental health. As one of the largest organisations in the world, the NHS has a crucial part to play.

Keep A&E free for life-threatening conditions only.
Unless your condition is life-threatening, please don’t just turn up or walk in to A&E or urgent care services. Please think pharmacist, GP or 111 online or by phone.
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2 years ago
Maternity services in Gateshead rated ‘good’
2 years ago
Gateshead Health Star Awards are back